Board Members.

Don Clarke.

(LLB. Hons)

Independent Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chair, Chair of Risk Committee, Member of Remuneration and Nomination Committee

Don is a lawyer and company director. He has extensive commercial law and business experience from over 30 years advising both ASX listed and private companies.

In addition to being a consultant to the law firm, MinterEllison (having retired on 30 June 2015 after 27 years as a corporate partner of the firm), Don is a Non-Executive Director of ASX-listed Zoono Group Limited and a director of several other unlisted public and private companies.

Appointed 10 January 2008.

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Webjet Limited is proud to support 40:40 Vision to achieve gender balance in senior leadership by 2030.

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Webjet Limited is Toitū ‘net carbonzero’ certified, and are part of a collective of organisations leading the way to a low carbon future.

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